Channel Name: 江苏体育休闲频道
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江苏休闲体育频道诞生于2004年5月,是江苏省唯一的专业体育频道。开播以来,频道以江苏广电总台为依托,高速成长,目前综合实力已跻身全国数十家省级体育频道前4位,被业内誉为“中国成长最快的体育频道”, 形成“沪、京、粤、苏”一线省市体育频道四雄并立的格局。
1、Double tap the player or tap the full screen button to watch in full screen;
2、The default line cannot be played and can be switched to other lines;
3、The computer cannot watch, please use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to watch;
4、Loading may be slow due to the line, please be patient;
5、If it cannot be played, try switching between normal or SSL encrypted channels.
Declaration: This website only provides online playback services, and signal sources are collected from the internet without any storage or production. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it! Email: teeevepw # (#=@)
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