頻道名稱: Press TV
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/18/1-1PF1234K00-L.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=5054
Press TV (stylised as PRESSTV) is a 24-hour English- and French-language news and documentary network affiliated with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is state-owned but independent of the Iranian government in its management and is the only legal TV and radio broadcaster inside Iran. IRIB's head is appointed directly by the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and is considered to be close to the country's conservative political faction. Press TV is headquartered in Tehran and has offices and bureaus around the world, including London, Beirut, Damascus, Kabul and the Gaza Strip.
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