頻道名稱: Canal Once Internacional
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/21/1-21032H043450-L.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=9779
Once (Eleven; formerly Once TV México and Canal Once) is a Mexican educational broadcast television network owned by National Polytechnic Institute. The network's flagship station is XEIPN-TDT channel 11 in Mexico City. It broadcasts across Mexico through nearly 40 TV transmitters and is required carriage on all Mexican cable and satellite providers. The network also operates an international feed which is available in the United States via satellite from DirecTV, via online from VEMOX and also on various cable outlets, on "Latino" or "Spanish" tiers. Most of its programs are also webcast through the Internet, though its programming is not the same as the actual broadcasters or satellite signal.
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