頻道名稱: BBC America
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/18/1-1Q1041946390-L.jpg
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BBC America is an American basic cable network that is jointly owned by BBC Studios and AMC Networks. The channel primarily airs sci-fi and action series and films, as well as selected programs from the BBC (such as its nature documentary series).
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Unlike the BBC's domestic channels in the United Kingdom, BBC America does not receive funding from the British license fee (which is the principal funding for the BBC's channels within the United Kingdom), as the BBC cannot fund any of its channels that are available outside the United Kingdom. Consequently, BBC America operates as a commercial-supported channel and accepts traditional advertising. It is also funded by television subscription fees. 本文来自Nettv.live
As of September 2018, BBC America is available to about 80.9 million television households (87.8% of pay television customers) in the United States. Nettv
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