頻道名稱: Antena 1
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/20/1-2003151502520-L.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=7882
Antena 1 (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈtena ˈunu]) is a Romanian free-to-air television network owned by the Antena TV Group, part of the Intact Media Group. Its programming consists of soap opera shows, football matches and entertainment programmes. Antena 1's headquarters was seized by the Romanian state on 8 August 2014 due to a judicial sentence against Dan Voiculescu, the founder of Intact Media Group. The building may be sold in order for the state to recuperate the loss brought to it as a result of the fraudulent privatization of the Institute for Alimentary Research in 2003. After company employees destroyed the interior of the building whilst moving out, the building required refurbishment before being placed on sale. The National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets (ANABI) has placed the building for sale on its website.
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